
Cotton Candy

Cotton candy (U.S., Canada), candy floss or candyfloss or candy buttox (UK, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa), or fairy floss (Australia) is a form of spun sugar. Since cotton candy is mostly air, a small initial quantity of sugar generates a tremendously greater final volume, causing servings to be physically large and voluminous. A typical serving on a stick is approximately one ounce/30 grams and contains roughly 115 kilocalories. It is sometimes sold in bags containing several servings (see accompanying photos). Cotton candy is often served at fairgrounds or circuses. Food coloring is used to change the natural white color. A similar confectionery is the Persian Pashmak, and the Turkish Pişmaniye, although the latter is made with flour in addition to sugar.

Cotton candy was first recorded around the 1900s. At that time, spun sugar was an expensive, labor-intensive endeavor and was not generally available to the average person Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair as "Fairy Floss" with great success, selling 68,655 boxes at the then-high price of 25¢, half the cost of admission to the fair. Fairy floss was renamed to "cotton candy" in the 1920s. In the 1970s an automatic cotton candy machine was created which made the product and packaged it. This made it easier to produce and available to sell at carnivals, fairs, and stores.
Tootsie Roll of Canada Ltd., the world's largest cotton-candy manufacturer, makes a bagged, fruit-flavored version called Fluffy Stuff.

The United States celebrates National Cotton Candy Day on December 7.

Typical machines used to make cotton candy include a spinning head enclosing a small "sugar reserve" bowl into which a charge of granulated, colored sugar (or separate sugar and food coloring) is poured. Heaters near the rim of the head melt the sugar, which is squeezed out through tiny holes by centrifugal force. Precolored sugar packaged specially for the process is milled with melting characteristics and a crystal size optimized for the head and heated holes; granulated sugar used in baking contains fine crystals which spin out unmelted, while rock sugar crystals are too large to properly contact the heater, slowing the production of floss.
The molten sugar solidifies in the air and is caught in a larger bowl which totally surrounds the spinning head. Left to operate for a period, the cottonlike product builds up on the inside walls of the larger bowl, at which point the machine operator twirls a stick, cone, or their hands around the rim of the large catching bowl, gathering the sugar strands into portions which are served on stick or cone, or in plastic bags. As the sugar reserve bowl empties, the operator recharges it with more feedstock. The product is sensitive to humidity, and in humid summer locales, the process can be messy and sticky.
Modern innovations in Cotton Candy equipment include vending machines which automatically produce single-servings of the product, developed in the United Kingdom and in Taiwan, and lighted or glowing sticks.

In 1972 the first automated machine was used for the production of cotton candy. Since then the creations and innovations of this machine have become greater and greater. They range in sizes from counter-top accessible to party and carnival size. In today’s world we can find machines that do so much at once, instead of its traditional use of having one flavor at a time. Today’s machines that are made for commercial use can hold up to 3 pounds of sugar and have compartments for storage of extra flavors. The rotating bowl at the top spins at 3,450 revolutions per minute. That is what creates the threadlike candy from the sugar that is melted.

Sticky and sweet, it dissolves quickly in the mouth (due to its amorphous nature) although it feels like wool to the touch. It does not have much of an aroma although the machine itself has a cooked sugar smell when in operation. When it comes in contact with moisture, it becomes sticky and damp. Because the sugar is hygroscopic, and has a very large surface area, it will become coarser, harder and generally less "flossy" once exposed to the atmosphere.


Red Velvet Cake

A red velvet cake is a popular cake with a dark red, bright red or red-brown color. It is usually prepared as a layer cake topped with a creamy vanilla icing or most popularly, cream cheese icing. The reddish-brown color of the cake was originally from a reaction of the cocoa powder with an acidic ingredient such as buttermilk; however red food coloring is often added.
Common ingredients include buttermilk, butter, flour, cocoa,and beetroot or red food coloring. The amount of cocoa used varies in different recipes. Cream cheese frosting is most commonly paired with the cake, as well as the traditional buttercream

James Beard's 1972 reference American Cookery describes three red velvet cakes varying in the amounts of shortening and butter. All use red food coloring, but the reaction of acidic vinegar and buttermilk tends to better reveal the red anthocyanin in the cocoa. Before more alkaline "Dutch Processed" cocoa was widely available, the red color would have been more pronounced. This natural tinting may have been the source for the name "Red Velvet" as well as "Devil's Food" and similar names for chocolate cakes. While foods were rationed during World War II, bakers used boiled beets to enhance the color of their cakes. Boiled grated beets or beet baby food are found in some red velvet cake recipes, where they also serve to retain moisture. In Canada the cake was a well-known dessert in the restaurants and bakeries of the Eaton's department store chain in the 1940s and 1950s. Promoted as an exclusive Eaton's recipe, with employees who knew the recipe sworn to silence, many mistakenly believed the cake to be the invention of the department store matriarch, Lady Eaton.
A resurgence in the popularity of this cake is partly attributed to the 1989 film Steel Magnolias in which the groom's cake (a southern tradition) is a red velvet cake made in the shape of an armadillo. In recent years, red velvet cake has become increasingly popular and can usually be found in most cupcake bakeries.


Because of Illness

Hari ini Nin &Aku mau dateng kerumahku. Soalnya mau skype sama sodara hehehe. Perasaan baru skype minggu lalu tapi biarinlah namanya juga nenek2 &aki2. Tapi aku gatau ikut skype-an atau ngga soalnya using banget dari kemaren malem. Kemaren abis jempit kakak dari UI dan itu pusingnya paraaah. Waktu di pim malah senghsara banget, di mobil sendiri soalnya mama&adek turun, akunya sangking pusing gaikut huhuhu :_(

*Katy Perry - The One That Got Away


Katy Perry - The One Who Got Away

Summer after high school when we first met
We make out in your Mustang to Radio head
And on my 18th birthday we got that chain tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never plan that one day I'd be losing you

And in another life I would be your girl
We keep all our promises, be us against the world
And in other life I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away

I was dreaming you were my Johnny Cash
Never one, we got the other, we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you, I put those records on, whoa
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the blues
It's time to face the music, I'm longer your muse
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/k/katy-perry-lyrics/the-one-that-got-away-lyrics.html ]

And in another life I would be your girl
We keep all our promises, be us against the world
And in another life, I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away

The one, the one, the one
The one that got away

All these money can't buy me a time machine, no
Can't replace you with a million rings, no
I should've told you what you meant to me, whoa
'Cause now I pay the price

In another life I would be your girl
We keep all our promises, be us against the world
And in another life, I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away

The one, the one, the one, the one

And in another life I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away


#facts about chewing gum

Benefits of chewing gum:

1. Freshen bad breath, especially for those who like strong flavored foods such as onion and garlic. Chewing gum is very effective to neutralize the odor.

2. Chewing gum can be firmly attached, so it can clean up leftover food to the tooth surface. Frequent chewing can increase saliva production that can clean the oral cavity and teeth better, so the risk of dental plaque formation can be reduced.

3. When chewing gum, oral cavity repeatedly biting movement, is to increase blood flow in the face, and also train the muscles for chewing and biting.

The results of an expert study of American, chewing gum for 15 minutes every day can be beneficial to beauty.

Losses chewing gum :

1. At the time of chewing gum, sugar remain in the oral cavity for a prolonged period, then the bacteria in the oral cavity will convert sugar into acid that will decompose calcium tooth (enamel) causing damage to the tooth.

The experts recommend that choosing xylitol chewing gum as a substitute for sugar, because xylitol has the flavor and nutritional value similar to sugar, but can not be fermented into acids that are safe for teeth.

2. Results of research at the Swiss show, often chewing gum may damage dental fillings materials. Therefore, for someone who uses dental fillings with mercury materials should not chew gum.

Because chewing gum can parse these mercury compounds, which can increase the amount of mercury content in blood and urine. Excess of these substances can be overly negative influence on the brain, central nervous system and kidneys.

3. Children who chewed gum for a long time, will likely have a habit of grinding teeth during sleep because the muscles of the mouth in a state of tension, so that it can affect the quality of their sleep.

The experts recommend that children do not chew gum more than 3-4 times a day and does not exceed 10-15 minutes.

4. Often chew gum for adolescents can be risky to have a rectangular face shape, because the muscles of the jaw may be too well trained so that the very rapid growth.



7 Kota/Negara Terindah di Dunia

1. Reykjavik, Islandia

Reykjavík adalah kota terbesar dan ibukota Islandia Tampak bersih dan sangat indah.
Islandia memiliki tingkat penderita penyakit yang rendah secara keseluruhan .prevalensi TB negara itu adalah 2,2 per 100.000 warga dan tidak ada kasus flu burung H1N1 di sana.Islandia juga memiliki jumalh dokter yang tinggi , dengan perbandingan 3,62 per 1.000 warga.
Berenang adalah olahraga populer di Islandia.Renang telah dimasukkan dalam kurikulum sekolah Islandia selama lebih dari 60 tahun dan setiap penduduk Islandia diwajibkan untuk belajar berenang.
Kekayaan panas bumi Islandia membuat tempat yang bagus untuk berenang.Kolam renang hangat terbuka berlokasi di seluruh negeri dan buka sepanjang tahun .olahraga outdoor lainnya seperti hiking dan berlayar juga populer di Reykjavik.
Reykjavik dan kota-kota lainnya di Islandia memiliki tingkat kepemilikan kendaraan yang sangat tinggi per kapita sekitar 522 kendaraan per 1.000 penduduk, tetapi mereka tidak dipengaruhi oleh kemacetan dan memiliki tingkat polusi udara sangat rendah.

2. Vienna, Austria
 Berjalan – jalan di waktu malam hari di kota Wina adalah pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Austria mempunyai tingkat kematian bayi hanya 4 kematian per 1.000 kelahiran hidup.
Mereka juga memiliki kepadatan dokter tinggi 3,38 dokter per 1.000 warga.Orang yang tinggal di Austria tercakup dalam asuransi pemerintah segera setelah mereka mendapatkan pekerjaan atau masuk universitas.
Pensiunan juga dijamin secara otomatis oleh hukum.Wina menawarkan ski di musim dingin dan kegiatan rekreasi yang banyak pada bulan-bulan musim panas.
Kota tuan rumah Wina berbagai acara olahraga termasuk Marathon.
marathon ini menarik lebih dari 10.000 peserta per tahun.Pada tahun 2005, Kejuaraan Dunia Hoki Es yang diselenggarakan oleh Austria dan pertandingan final dimainkan di Wina

3. Sydney, Australia
Sangat menakjubkan melihat Sydney dengan langit merah sebagai latar belakang. Sistem perawatan kesehatan Australia adalah salah satu terbaik di dunia.perusahaan asuransi Australia diharuskan oleh hukum untuk membayar polis premi dan sama tidak peduli masa lalu kesehatan mereka.udara Australia juga di antara udara terbersih di dunia.Menurut CIA World Factbook, Australia juga menawarkan salah satu tingkat harapan hidup tertinggi pada usia 81,81 tahun pada tahun 2011.
Kota Sydney memiliki iklim, cerah moderat yang memberikan kontribusi untuk memberikan cinta pada alam bebas yang banyak pada penduduknya.Ada lima taman nasional utama terletak di sekitar Sydney yang berisi sekitar 8.000 kilometer persegi ruang terbuka.

4. Zurich, Swiss
Zurich adalah kota terbesar di Swiss dan ibukota canton Zurich. Kota yang indah. Negara Swiss menghabiskan lebih dari 11 persen dari Anggaran Produk Domestik Bruto pada cakupan kesehatan universal bagi warga negaranya.Ini adalah pengeluaran yang sangat tinggi per kapita, tetapi penduduknya memberikan harapan hidup yang tinggi di usia 71 untuk pria dan usia 75 bagi perempuan. kepadatan dokter Swiss adalah sekitar 3,61 per 1.000 penduduk.Swiss juga memiliki tingkat polusi udara yang tinggi.
Ada banyak kebun dan taman yang terletak di Zurich bagi warga untuk sekedar berjalan ,bersepeda , Sebagian besar orang Zurich menikmati gaya hidup aktif dan olahraga merupakan bagian integral dari budaya Swiss.Banyaknya fasilitas olahraga membuat Zurich tempat berkumpul bagi pecinta olahraga di Swiss. Beberapa federasi olahraga internasional membuat rumah mereka di Zurich.

 5. Helsinki, Finlandia
 Finlandia mana budaya Timur dan Barat bertemu, menyambut wisatawan untuk menemukan suasana metropolis Skandinavia yang seutuhnya
Finlandia memiliki salah satu tingkat polusi terendah di dunia.Mereka juga membanggakan kematian bayi rendah tiga kematian per 1.000 kelahiran hidup.Warga Finlandia mempunyai harapan hidup sekitar 79,27 tahun sejak lahir.Helsinki,ibukota .
Ada sekitar 390 mobil per 1000 penduduk Helsinki. lebih sedikit dari kota kepadatan serupa. Brussels, Belgia.Belgia memiliki sekitar 483 mobil per 1000 orang dan Stockholm, Swedia memiliki sekitar 401.

6. Calgary, Alberta Canada
Calgary merupakan kota terbesar di Provinsi Alberta, Kanada.terletak di selatan provinsi, di daerah kaki bukit dan padang rumput, sekitar 80 km sebelah timur Canadian Rockies
Calgary dianggap sebagai kota dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Kanada.Berada di posisi teratas dalam survei Majalah Forbes pada kota terbersih di dunia pada tahun 2007.
Kanada dikenal untuk sistem perawatan kesehatan universal mereka.Negara ini hanya memiliki sekitar 2,1 dokter untuk setiap 1.000 warga, dan mereka membanggakan salah satu harapan hidup rata-rata terpanjang di dunia.warga negara Kanada dapat berharap untuk hidup sampai sekitar 81 tahun.

 7. Portland, Oregon, USA
Portland merupakan kota yang terletak di Amerika Serikat Northwestern, dekat pertemuan Columbia dan sungai Willamette di negara bagian Oregon Majalah Cooking Light memberikan peringkat pada kota Portland pada urutan kedua dalam daftar kota paling sehat.Kota ini menawarkan 277 mil jalur sepeda, dan perencanaan kota yang meminimalkan sprawl.Cuaca hujan adalah satu isu yang membuat Portland menjadi kota yang sulit untuk dilakukan latihan outdoor di sana, Portlanders dan Oregonians lain harus menemukan aktivitas kebugaran dalam ruangan untuk menjaga kesehatan.
Menggunakan panduan elips sangat penting bagi mereka untuk menemukan mesin untuk membuat mereka fit. Portlanders juga menikmati 277 taman dan sekitar 146 mil dari hutan hiking trails

double trouble

Pelajaran paling susah gatau kenapa matematika dari dulu. Soalnya kalo udah ngeliat angka tuh bingung gt. Kalo sekarang kan di labs gurunya ada 2 jadinya udah lumayan suka matematika soalnya ngajarnya lebih fokus. Guru yang pertama ngajar aljabar (bilingual), yang kedua bruto,netto,tara (bilingual)




Last Day for 2 Weeks Before theTest

Hari ini aku bangun jam 6an gatau kenapa pagi banget tapi jadi lebih enak gitu. Makan jam 08.00, belajar jam 09.00, tidur jam 13.00. Terakhir kalinya buka bb soalnya 2 minggu lagi mau ulangan semester. Kalo ada bb menjelang ulangan rasanya gabakal bisa belajar serius terus aku juga mau nyicil mulai sekarang biar ulangannya ngga jelek2 amat kaya RSBI test. Nanti malem aku juga ada private bimbel T_T soalnya nilai matematika waktu RSBI jelek jadinya bimbel h0h0. Sekarang jam 12.52 aku mau tidur & bb off. bangun-bangun sambung belajar lagi. GO FIGHT WIN! semoga bisa belajar tanpa godaan.

want one, mom.

Jadi, aku tuh pingin banget nonton Katy Perry Concert malahan udah dari bulan lalu nungguin. Tapi kemaren waktu nanya mama katannya ngga boleh soalnya kamu masih terlalu kecil & tempatnya kejauhan. Padahal temen2ku banyak banget yang mau nonton tapi sebagian ada yang masih labil juga mau Katy Perry atau Wicked. Aku juga diajakin nonton Wicked tapi ke Sentul aja ngga boleh gimana ini di Singapore mending gausah nanya daripada diceramahin lagi kaya yang Katy Perry .__.. Tiketnya juga mahal banget sih lagian..............paling murah 650rb itupun juga kalo keliatan, kalo ngga kan lumayan ruginya. Yang festival 1.900.000 :S gimana boleh ini. Sedangkan kakakku maunya nonton Foster the People dan tiketnya paling mahal sekitar kuranglebih 850rb jadinya mana mungkin aku boleh. Terus kalo Foster the People di Senayan, KatyP di Sentul makin ngga boleh aja kali T_T kesempatan sekali dalam seumur hidup HAHAHA. #deardiary


Headache :-(

Dari sebelom ulangan emang aku udah batuk sama ada sariawan. Waktu ulangan ditambah lagi sama pilek jadinya setap ngerjain ulangan aku selalu bawa tissue. Tiba-tiba ditambah lagi sama pusing jadinya kaya kurang makimal gitu belajarnya. adinya selesai ulangan mau jalan-jalan sama temen tapi karena pusing jadinya ngga jadi. Sekarang sariawan tambah banyak dan jadinya panas makin naik. #deardiary

Pilot Test

Jadi 2 hari kemaren aku ngejalanin pilot test. Itu testnya susaaah banget parah. Hari pertama matematika sama inggris. Inggrisnya sih ngga begitu susah tapi matematikanya beuuuh............jangan ditanya. Karena ulangannya 2 mata pelajaran jadinya ada istirahat. Selama istirahat aku makan tapi sambil belajar soalnya takut ngga bisa heuheuheu kaya matematika. oiya, matematika ulangan yang pertama abis itu diseling istirahat nyambung lagi inggris. Tapi inggris ngga begitu susah juga. Kayaknya ini gambaran waktu lagi ngerjain ulangan matematika tapi ngga gitu juga deng soalnya yang lain juga bilang susah :)

Day 2. Ulangan science :-( ada biologi, kimia, dan fisika. Soalnya susaaaah banget apalagi yang fisika tapi kita pulang jam 10 terus ngga ada istirahat. Abis selesai ulangan ternyata nilai ulangan yang kemaren kaya matematika dan inggris udah keluar. Takut banget waktu mau ngeliat .......pertama22 liat yang bahasa inggris alhamdullilah bagus kedua baru ngeliat nilai matematika dan langsung whattheee huhuhu :(:(:(


Movie Marathon

Saturday. Hari ini dari jam 10 pagi aku, mama, adek udah siap-siap mandi,makan gtgt soalnya mau pergi nonton di pim. Sampe pim, walaupun belom buka bioskopnya tapi udah banyak banget orang yang ngantri. Terus kita nunggu sekitar 10 menitan, waktu dibuka pintunya rusuh banget semuanya pada dulu-duluan. Masuk kita langsung ngantri, tiba-tiba mama bilang nontonnya 2 kali yuuk.....terus aku kaya langsung mau bangettt. Karena masih nunggu kita makan di Koi Tepanyaki dulu soalnya nanti gabakal keburu. Pertama kita nonton Breaking Dawn yang jam 13.00 abis itu lanjut nonton The Adventures of Tintin. Waktu nonton Breaking Dawn kita duduk 4 baris dari depan, sebenernya masih banyak yang dibagian atas tapi dipinggir semua yaudah kita pilih yang tengah-tengah tapi depan ajaaa. Abis Breaking Dawn selesai kita cuman pipis abis itu masuk ke studio lagi nonon Tintin dan nontonnya kaya ngga 1OO% merhatiin gitu soalnya udah ngantuk banget capek nonton. Abis nonton itu kita semua langsung pulang soalnya lampu rumah belom dinyalain sama sekali h0h0h0.



Jadi untuk tema baju lari pagi hari Jumat temnya pahlawan. Yang bener sebenernya kalo kita mau jadi pahlawan R.A Kartini kita pake kebaya tapi karena ribet pake kebaya jadinya hampir satu angkatan kalo ngga pake baju merah/putih. Paginya hari Jumat, kita semua udah baris di konblok untuk lari tapi ternyata ngga jadi soalnya kita mau ada lomba. Ada lomba makan kerupuk & tarik tambang. Di kelasku yang ikut lomba makan kerupuk Ara, Ifath, Eurena mereka semua pake behel loh ;D tapi tetep aja semangat! Yang ikut tarik tambang 20 orang termasuk aku dan itu seru banget. Waktu tarik tambang Asti nyangkutin kakinya di kakiku hahaha katanya biar kalo kebawa masih ada pegangan. Dan ternyata.................kita menang.

Famous Enough

1. Suri Cruise

Suri is a little fashion queen. she's got her own credit card. she gaves her parents fashion tips. her idol is the child star Willow Smith. she's got her own iPad. she wore high heels, when she was three years old!.she has two siblings, adopted by her father.her name means Red Rose/Princess

2. Zuma Rossdale

Name: Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale
Date of Birth: August 21, 2008
Parents: Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale
Siblings: Kingston James McGregor Rossdale (05/26/06)

4. Honor Marie
Honor Marie Warren, born June 7, 2008
5.Baby Mason

Baby Mason Dash Disick was born on December 14, 2009. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and 19.5 inches at birth. At the time of the Life & Style photo shoot, he was just about 2 weeks old. The baby's father is Kourtney's boyfriend, Scott Disick. Kourtney is one of the stars of the E!
 6. Mackenzie Foy

Name: Mackenzie Christine Foy
Nicknames: Kenzie or Kenz [NOT MACK]
Age: 9 years old
Birthday: November 10th, 2000
Country: USA
Haircolor: Light Brown
EyeColor: Blue/Green
Height: 51.5 inches [ 4 ft 4 in]
Regular Size: 7-8

Hollywood Teen Stars.

1. Elle Fanning

Younger sister of Dakota Fanning. Her parents names are Joy and Steve. Her first name is pronounced "El", as in the letter L, not "Ellie". She likes playing piano and soccer. Niece of Jill Arrington. Has naturally curly hair.

2. Selena Gomez

  • Name: Selena Gomez
  • Birthday: July 22nd, 1992
  • Birth Place: New York, NY
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Parents: Mandy Teefy (mother) & Brian Teefy (step-father)
  • Nicknames: Sel, Selly
  • Quoted: “Be yourself always, there’s no one better!”
3. Kendall Jenner

Born on November 3, 1995 to athlete Bruce Jenner and Kris Kardashian, Kendall Nicole Jenner is an older sister to Kylie and younger half-sister to the Kardashian siblings—Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Robert. Nicknamed by Keeping up with the Kardashians—the reality show she appears in with the rest of her extended family—as the “Belle of the Ball,” she tries to live a normal life despite being surrounded by many luxuries, a controversial family, and all the press attention it warrants.

4. Hailee Steinfeld

Born on December 11, 1996 Tarzana, California.  Her mother Cheri is an interior designer. Her father Peter is a personal fitness trainer. Has an older brother named Griffin (January 9, 1994) who is an offroad race car driver. Her uncle is Jake Steinfeld of Body by Jake.Received the game 'Pass the Pigs' from Jeff Bridges. Presented at the 68th Annual Golden Globes with Justin Bieber. Is the ninth youngest nominee in the Best Supporting Actress category for the Academy Awards. Became the face of Miu Miu in 2011.


Niece of Lisa Roberts Gillan and Julia Roberts.Younger stepsister of Morgan Simons and Keaton Simons.Daughter of Eric Roberts and Kelly Cunningham .Step-daughter of Eliza Roberts.Has a younger half-sister, Grace Nickels (born January 2001) She and Caleigh Peters, who also debuted with a single on the Ice Princess (2005) soundtrack, both attended the Archer School for Girls in Los Angeles. Alex McKenna also attended the school.On her father, Eric Roberts,’s side, she has Irish, English, Scottish, German and Swedish ancestry.One of Emma’s idols is singer/actress Joanna ‘JoJo’ Levesque, whom she starred with in Aquamarine (2006).Cousin of Phinnaeus Walter, Hazel Patricia, and Henry Daniel.


7 food I love the most

1. Sushi. Karena nasinya kaya dingin gitu, ikannya segar & masih kenyal saolnya mentah, gaperlu repot kalo berantakan soalnya nasinya lengket, abis itu salmon katanya membantu daya ingat jadinya biar gampang menghafal pelajaran juga hehe

2. Indomie. Karena itu hangat banget apa lagi kalo lagi hujan, kuahnya kaya akan rasa haha. Apalagi kalo pake telor & bakso :9

3. Macaroon. Kuenya yang empuk enak untuk digigit, isinya yang manis yang pinin dihemat-hemat. Warnannya juga mencolok banget buat orang jadi tertarik.

4. Chicken Wings. Karena bumbunya enak banget, pedasnya pas, &dagingnya gurihhhhhh

5. Caramel Ice Cream. Kslo ngomongin ini semua kategori pasti masuk HAHA

6. Curly Fries. Karena rasanya enak banget &bentuknya unik gitu

7. Waffle. Karena kuenya ringan, toppingnya bisa apa aja, dan punya bentuk yang khas. Caranya juga beda-beda ada yang dipiring sama dibatang

Seen-ly Much

Hari Minggu Ara & Laras ke rumah gue. Yang pertama datang tuh Ara tadinya kita cuman ngobrol-ngobrol tapi karena bosen kita foto-foto sambil pake face painting gituuu. Waktu Laras dateng dia ngajakin kita nonton Lada Land *kalogasalah* itu sumpah parah serem banget. Gue ga nonton semua haha soalnya takut bangetsuper. Oiya, kita juga makan Hoka Hoka Bento sebelom nonton Lada Land waktu nonton kita lanjut makan cemilan Macaroni and Cheese :9

Behind the Scene of BTS

Hari jumat lagi di rumah Nadya kita ngerjain slide untuk BTS (Back To School) yang orang - orangnya disebut LABSBASSADOR. Kita sampe rumah nadya main-main dulu bentar abis itu disuruh ibunya makan, ada neneknya juuga loh. Setelah makan kita buat slide tapi kaya ngga niat gitu soalnya hari Jumat jadi kepingin main gitu. Alhasil kita pulang sebelum slidenya jadi...........untung hari Sabtu Jihan email ke aku kalo slidenya udah jadi, jadninya aku ngedit2. Tapi waktu mau dimasukin CD, cdnyua ngga bisa itu kalo jihan. Kalo aku mau di save di USB, tapi usbnya ngga bisa kebuka. Hari tiu pokoknya udah bener-bener takut banget soalnya terakhir dikumpulin besok tapi untung aja jihan sama aku duah ngeprint & bawa CD sama USBnya walaupun belom tentu yakin kalo filenya ke save. Hari Senin waktu di sekolah untung aja kita bisa ngesaveee o:) ngesave nya numpang di ruang komputer haha.


Adele - Someone Like You

I heard that you're settled down That you found a girl and you're married now I heard that your dreams came true Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded That for me, it isn't over
Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
You know how the time flies Only yesterday was the time of our lives We were born and raised in a summer haze Bound by the surprise of our glory days
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded That for me, it isn't over yet
Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah
Nothing compares, no worries or cares Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead


Ini hari jumat juga tapi lupa kapan. Kalo ga salah selesai UHBT. Aku sama jihan mau ke rumahh nadyaa <3. Waktu perjalanan ke rumah nadya kita mampir di seven eleven untuk beli isi instax hahaha padahal watunya udah mepet banget supirnya nadya mau jumatan. Sampe di rumah nadya kita makan kepiting,udang, dan crab stick! Itu supersuper enak parah. Abis makan kita buat cupcakess. Niatnya mau bikin Red Velvet Cupcakes tapi karena pewarnya cuman ada Rose Pink jadi warna cupcakesnya pink. Topping macem-macem ada oreo, sprinkle dll enak loooh.  Setelah itu kita nonton VCD Smurf haha padahal udah ada di bioskop tuh. Sambil nonton kita juga foto-foto sampe malem, waktu malemnya kita dikasih makan lagi eeenak bangett yaitu CHOCOLATE MOUSSE sama makan beratnya mie abang-abang yang lagi lewat di depan rumah nadya.

Another Fridaay

Jadi waktu itu hari Jumat tapi lupa tanggal berapa-_- kayaknya sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu deh. Jihan dan Nadya pada ke rumah gueee. Tadinya nadya ngga boleh ikut tapi karena mamanya juga lagi ada reuni jadinya boleh. Pulang sekolah Jihan dan Nadya ke rumah gue, pake mobil gue ditambah Nadia Deya juga. Selama perjalanan kita lawak22an nyanyi22 gitu. Sampe di rumahku ternyata ngga ada siapa-siapa soalnya ibuku lagi nganter adek berenang. Terus kita mulai dari awal pake kuteks, make up, dan catok. Abis itu kita milih2 baju mau pake yang mana saaampee kamar gue berubah jadi super berantakan terus kita mulailah foto-foto sambil dengerin laguu.

Selesai foto-foto kan sampe malem tuhyaa kita makan opor sama sayur singkong. Kan meja makan makanku dibawah terus kita mau kana diatas jadinya buru-buru banget waktu ngambil makan soalnya ada orang yang pulang takutnya ayahku. Waktu jihan dan aku udah di tangga mau naik ternyata nadya lari keatas sambil bawa minumannnn hahaha pantesan lama yaoloo



Sebenernya ma gue kasih tau siapa aja dari kiri sampe kanan tapi susah banyak yang nyelip jadinya asal aja yah. Ada Yasmin, Rania, Salma, Sannia, Diva, Karen, Marsha, Ammar, Jodi, Ms.Tami, Ifath, Amirah, Anggia, Nurul, Visco, Dika, Laras, Dian, Taska, Salsa, Eurena, Elsa, Adeela, Ara, Audrey, Dira, Lovira, Asti, Hanif, Yoga, Ikhsan, Vico, Angki, Aziz, Adi, Rozan :):)